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Apple Watch SE after 1 month

In January I have published the video of my minimalistic birthday present from me to myself.

Self-care on my birthday

Now, it is almost the end of February and it is time to give you some feedback. The main reason why I wanted to purchase the watch in the first place is that I want to have new healthier habits, and I have a couple of bad ones when comes to daily activities!

Nobody is perfect but, I want to improve the imperfections that bother me and have a strong impact on looking down on myself. After 1 month I have noticed a difference in my mental image that I have created for myself. I am starting to be more open because I feel better in my own skin. I have still some struggles being in front of the camera and being fully confident. I hope that will change over time.

I have created four main face watches that will help me to increase the potential of the smartwatch (video chapter on 05:30 min).

We are all different and not everything will work for you as it has worked for me, think about how technology will make every day easier for you. Be careful so you don’t overdo it, it isn’t the goal to be over-distracted. I have noticed that my phone often does that for me. This is the second reason why I am grateful for the minimalistic setup. Leave only the most important apps to refresh in the background, that is why you can benefit from a little bit more battery life. 

I have found out the smartwatch was a good investment on my part to improve my everyday and in the long run my lifestyle. So far, I am thrilled with that and the functions I can access. The only thing that I forgot to mention is Apple Pay! You have to love that!

Let me know your thoughts on smartwatches. Do you have one?


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