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Blogmas week 2

I must admit, my December is a bit chaotic. I didn’t think it’s so busy. I know for the next year. I really enjoy in doing it.

On the road again ?

Lately, it has come on my attention that a lot of people that knows me in my personal life have trouble to buy camera for their needs. This video I have give my full attention on that topic. Hopefully, I have give you some good directions. ?

How to buy your fist camera!? ☺️?

Those are links if you want to buy some of the footage that I own:

Camera:Nikon D3200 |
Vlog Camera GoPro Hero 7 Black | |
Lens: |

And the finally a bit of the weekend blog with a sneak peek I the new week. ?

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  1. aisasami says:

    Thanks for the tips! I am debating if I want to have a camera (I only use my iPhone for photos), so these tips helped me in future decisions.

    • Marcella's Mind says:

      That make me so much happy. I’m so glad to here something like that. I and sure you will find which camera is the best for you and your needs πŸ˜€

  2. Elizabeth O says:

    I’m a dedicated Canon girl but, I’m open to trying a new camera and have my eyes on a German made camera. I’d love a Leica or a Hasselblad.

    • Marcella's Mind says:

      love to try new camera but somehow I always got back to Nikon & Gopro Hero 7 πŸ™‚

  3. Kate Loves Travel says:

    You’re right – December has been crazy busy this year! These are great camera buying tips! I’m a big fan of Canon cameras myself…

    • Marcella's Mind says:

      I agree, cray is just start. ? Thank you, I’m so glad you think so. Each brand has positive and negative sides you just need to choose what is best for you ?