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February post of choice

Hello guys! I’m sorry I didn’t post more last week, I needed a little break. Can you believe it, it is already end of the month? Time does fly fast! As you already know it is a time for a post of your choice. I really try to post evenly about each section on my blog, I’m still looking for balance I hope I’ll get in my routine quick. I wanted to thank everyone f you who is following me, comment, like my social media and vote!

Let’s talk little bi more about beauty. Every beauty blogger has one post of makeup routine so, I put it in a poll last month and you have picked up this post as reader’s choice. As you know, I wanted to find more affordable foundation, even dough I love Bourjois and all of their stuff. Recently, I got my purchase that I had ordered it last year, I got it after two months of waiting. I wanted so bad to try out brand elf cosmetics, in my country they haven’t store so I must order it online. There is announcement soon it will be possibility to buy it in store Divina cosmetics. I got primer, foundation, brow pencil, blush and spray to fix makeup. Still it is a winter time and my skin is usually pretty bright I managed to guess right color for me, pure lucky.

Before I even start to put my makeup, I wash my face and put some coconut oil on my face for about 30 minutes, I have a dry skin and it helps my skin to be moisturized all day. I know some people that have tried coconut and they didn’t get wanted results, but for me works and I use pretty much for everything on my body. After, I put my primer form ELF Cosmetics. I really wanted to buy real primer for a while, but I always find excuse for dropped out that idea. Mainly because my skin is sensitive and I’m scared putting all kinds of products on my face. Never the less, I overcome that fear with this primer (I think).I have found a few reviews of this primer and girls have mentioned they have put it on their sensitive skin and they were happy with it. Carry on, I put a primer all over my face massage in with my fingers and I leave few minutes to settle down in the meantime I do my brow. Nothing big, I correct them a bit. Usually, I use essence or NYX brown pencil, but lately I wanted to try something different I got elf brow pencil and I like it a lot. On the other side of pencil you can highlight your brow and it comes with the sharpener  how cool is that. For my foundation I use my new elf foundation (it is light to medium cover), I apply it with my RT sponge or makeup brush. In the end I put a little blush and highlighter. That all my daily makeup routine I do. I don’t put a lot I love more natural look. I almost forgot to mention I have put on my lips NYX soft matte lip cream in color 09 Abu Dhabi. Sometimes I add mascara and eyeliner, if I go for the short time I don’t put, mainly it depends of how I feel. As you can see on the image before and after.

beauty, cosmetic, makeup, photo, marcella, cella, look, daily look, eyes,  foundation, lipstick, mascara, powder, blush, highlighter, cream, glasses, product, makeup revolution, bourjois, elf cosmetics, blush, foundation, powder, nyx cosmetics

Tell me what you think in comment section below and please vote  for March post choice.

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  1. Charlotte Greene says:

    Awesome post! What did you end up thinking about the new ELF makeup? Did you have a favorite product?

    • Marcella's Mind says:

      It is really grown on me. According to the price and what you get I’m extremely happy. I’ll soon one post about ELF products, there I will go very detailed. Primer is my top so far, while I didn’t expect so much from this product. 😀