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Morning Routine On A Day Off

If you are following me, you know that I am back on a hustle of the “real job” aka 9 to 5. I have each week one day off, and it is different day from week to week also.

So, my routine can variate a bit from day to a day. I also work in a shift so these days I have a slightly different routine as well.
If you would love to know how my routine looks on these days let me know in the comments section below.

I must admit before my fitness journey, I didn’t eat breakfast in the morning. Since I have used my body again to that, I feel so much better throughout the day. I also eat breakfast before work no exception.

After I ate my breakfast. I love to drink coffee in peace and watching Netflix or YouTube on my TV.
Do you do that as well? Or I’m the only one.?

How do you spend your morning routines?
After I have done all that I check my TO DO LIST: and start to be productive for the next few hours. Check my ideas, analytics, scripts, start filming and pre-filming.
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