I must admit, bad weather has inspired me for write more. On my previous post I have put one photo of the rain drops and a few people got interested in how I have taken that photo. I’m not a professional photographer, I got passion for it and enjoying in that hobby.
I love to think that photography has a lot of rules that you need to know in other to took good photo, on the other hand the rules are here so you can break them. Field with many rules but you can create your on, sky is the limit. Maybe, I have mentioned all ready, anyway I’ll say it again. Did you try to go out and took a photo after the rain? It is one of my favorite things to do. Rain drops on the leaf, on the windows, everywhere you can eve notice it on the spider web. That me gives a new dimension.
When I photograph, I make sure my camera settings are on full manual mode that way I can be sure I’ll get the photo that I want it. Do you use full manual mode or you are not fan of it? I use my DSLR Nikon D3200, if you are new in photography I’ll suggest to the beginners you can make some amazing shoots. You probably ask yourself OK, but what about the lens!? I don’t own macro lens, I love to use my standard lens Nikon DX AF-S 18-55 mm VR G II and bring my tripod with me (if you don’t own it, is OK you’ll be more creative). Trust me lack of the gear isn’t always a bad thing. Make sure you have to correct your white balance and settings like metering or spot etc. In this particular situation I like to put my settings in spot, so I can focus better on the rain drop. Do you love to take pictures of the rain drops?
In my opinion the main key in taking a good photos, is how well you know your camera and composition. You’ll see you could play all day with rain drops because different angle will give you a different perspective. During my shoot I love to pretend to imagine for example how would cat see from its perspective same rain drop.
Post processing I mainly used to add my logo. I don’t like to change my photography too much. There is noting wrong if you do like post-process your photography, you need to be careful to not over do it. Maybe, some amateur would notice but a more professional photography will notice and know what you have done in post processing. 🙂
Here you can see some of my work, if you have some tip for me please leave it in commenting section below.
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suresh lukhi says:
This article important and really good the for me is.Amazing write-up,Great article. Thanks!
Marcella's Mind says:
Thank you so much! I’m glad that tips have helped you! ^_^