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Recognition award

This is my first time that I’ve been nominate for the recognition award by anyone. I want to thank you one more time Iamjmkayne for this nomination I’m so thrilled! This means a lot to me because I think I’m pretty new at the blogosphere and I have a long way to improve my blog.

bloggers, blog, award, recognition, meeting, follow, find, learning, experience

I’ve started my blog approximately on the October two years ago , I have a few breaks during the summertime of blog. I have a lot of hobbies and I wanted to be everything in one place including my thoughts. What had pushed me to start my own blog? I wanted to be productive and pushing myself out of the comfort zone I was hopping to help me also in business direction some day.

My advice to new bloggers are:

Before you go in the blogsphere, search up your potential niche don’t rush in it. Think well about your blog name and content, if you are going to be a professional blogger you need to have thick-skinned!

It is all about brand yourself and promotion, just be you readers know if you’re faking something always be honest even if that’s mean step out of your comfort-zone.

Congratulations everyone! It would be good that we continue to share our own experiences, in a way to helps others and make even a little difference to make this world better place!

Here are the 15 bloggers that I have nominated:

One Trip a month


Mali Blue My Mind

Rebel House Wife Blog

365 Beauty Tips

Last Stop Healthy

Robert Krstevski

Tech For Travel


Where ever life takes


Decorated Passport

Olivia round town

Hopping Bug

Curious Journey List

What does nominees need to do !?

You should pass on this award to the other 15 worthy bloggers with the rules below:

• Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
• Write a post to show your award.
• Give a brief story of how your blog started.
• Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
• Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
• Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.

Through this award, we are able to meet our fellow bloggers and somehow appreciate their presence in this wide world of blogoshpere. For me this was a very fun experience!

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